


Gladiator is in 2002 genomineer vir 12 Oscar toekennings, waarvan 5 toegeken is.

1.  Beste Fliek

2.  Beste Akteur

3.  Beste Visuele Effekte

4.  Beste Klank

5.  Beste Kostuumontwerp

In the Best Movie of 2002, The Gladiator, there is a scene early in the movie right before the battle with the Germans, worthy of note. After preparing his infantry troops for battle, General Maximus rides off into the woods and addresses the cavalry. “Hold the line” he commands. “Stay with me” he shouts.  And after a few more comments, when all is quiet, he declares:

The things we do in life echo into eternity.”

With this statement, Maximus touched a cord in all of us that radiates from the heart of God himself. We should always strive for morality in our actions. As Einstein said:  “Our inner balance and even our very existence depend upon it.”

Sterredank – Chris Chameleon


Hierdie een is spesiaal vir Boeta!